Bed Wetting

Modern mothers are very quick in toilet training their children, which is extremely healthy and hygienic. However, inspite of all the training some children continue to wet their bed.

Our easy-to-take Homoeopathic remedy is highly effective to stop children from wetting the bed. Heavy infestation with worms, especially thread worms is one of the common causes of bedwetting. Children who bite nails and/or keep putting their fingers in their mouth keep re-infesting themselves with worms. Such children may complain of bed-wetting. Bedwetting in elders may be due to many other reasons.

The case needs to be studied to locate the cause and accordingly treated. Homoeopathy is strongly recommended to correct bedwetting in children. Along with medicines it is very important to encourage children to avoid biting nails and putting their fingers in the mouth.

Although the child stops bedwetting within 2 to 3 weeks of the treatment, 3 to 4 months medicines is recommended to achieve permanent cure.

To schedule the First Consultation: Telephonic/ Skype.

To order medicines for Bed Wetting in Children: EMAIL US/ CALL US