
Burning in the chest and/or abdomen, bloated and heavy feeling in abdomen, pain in the stomach, burping with or without unclear bowel movements can be due to hyperacidity and indigestion. It can be easily and effectively cured with Homoeopathy.

Hyperacidity can cause of heaviness of head, dull feeling, nausea, vomiting etc. It can also present as pain in the chest. Prolonged and unchecked hyperacidity can lead to gastric ulcers and can be the cause of cancer of the esophagus and stomach.

Hyperacidity and indigestion can be prevented by avoiding eating too much at a time and avoiding keeping long gaps between two meals. Eating small frequent meals is very healthy. Strictly avoiding eating raw onions, raw radish and sprouts also helps tremendously.

Homoeopathic remedies will help cure the current ailment, however for complete and permanent cure, strictly follow the advice for Good Balanced Diet.

To schedule the First Consultation: Telephonic/ Skype.

To order medication for Hyperacidity and Indigestion: EMAIL US/ CALL US